Since the end of last year, the house and all renovations/redecorations that went with it were neglected. Holidays & Birthday's took preference, and our time over the past few weekends were spent at parties!
This left us with an unfinished house, in a perpetual state of being "not-quite-done-yet". From the time of moving in, to now, we've touched on each space in the house, trying to improve bits and pieces as we go along, sometimes a big reno, sometimes a quick fix... resulting in every space and room still needing "finishing".
Bradley and I have resolved to tackle all the loose ends over the next year, which brings us to the:
a-room-a-month challenge
It's simple really, each month we will try to complete one room/space/area in the house. Not an easy task, but a necessary one. This could include everything from painting skirtings, to fixing light fittings, to hanging curtains, refurbishing and decorating.
We haven't planned the order of which room we'll tackle in each month, as it will come down to time and finances available, so we'll decide after each room is complete which area get's our attention next.
First up: The kids bedroom
Amongst other things we have to:
Paint skirtings
Paint cupboard doors
Hang curtains properly
Put up pictures & hooks
Put window arms back on!
Organise soft toys
Make bunting flags
Clear out and repack clothing
(take out all clothes they've outgrown!)
Do something with the books that end up here instead of the playroom...
Hopefully I'll be able to report back on a finished room - the first in the house - by the end of this month. Input, suggestions, ideas, feedback and encouragement is always welcome!
Have a happy weekend
PS many people have asked me about the floor in the kids bedroom.
We "white-washed" it, during our previous renovation: sand floor, paint white, wipe off paint, apply water-based varnish. I like the lighter floors compared to the dark wood look, and we'll probably end up doing the same for the kids playroom: